Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Astronauts to celebrate Trek's 40th...

Alan Bean, and Buzz Aldrin will be joining Alums from the Star Trek family to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the franchise on Sept. 8-10 at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle, WA.

Among the special guests that are attending the the event are George Takei(Sulu), Nichelle Nichols(Uhura), Walter Koenig(Checkov), Grace Lee Whitney(Rand), Jonathan Frakes(Riker), Marina Siritis(Troi), Tim Russ(Tuvok), Alan Ruck(Harriman), Eugene "Rod" RoddenberryJr., and the Mother of all things Trek, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry.

This very special convention will have a final trbute to Montgomery Scott, and farewell to the actor who potrayed the character for over 40 years, James Doohan.

Seating is limited to 400. To have a chance at being one of those lucky people, click to the Planet Expo website to register for the chance to be a part of this once in a lifetime event!

This gala event is made possible by the joint efforts of Plantxpo, The Science Fiction Museum, MBL Entertainment, Trek United and artist Michael David Ward.

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