Friday, December 23, 2005

Trek Core Gathers Games...

Trek Core is on the move for adding content.

TC's gaming section has been adding lstings, and content since it's launch a few weeks ago, and the listing has gotten impressive. With over 280 games in the listing, each will have it's own "exhibit"with information, screenshots, reviews, downloads, cheats, and more information then Spock's Datatapes can handle.

The gang over at the site has also released thier first version of an exclusive copy of Star Trek Solitaire, that is playable from their site as well.

Whlie most of the site is still unopened at this time, TC's team has also released screencaps from the first 6 seasons of DS9 to the viewers, with the promise of more content to come after the first of the year.

If it's this good now, We can hardly wait to see a fully opened site!

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