NCIS is CBS' hit naval criminal investigative show - taking on elements of JAG and CSI. We have adopted this winning formula and are proud to present our new series.
As yet untitled (see below), the new show will focus on Starfleet criminal investigations. You may think that everything is peachy in the 24th century - but with the events of the last decade, many humans are not pleased to be sharing their hard work with aliens. Xenophobia not seen since the Xindi attack of 2153 is sweeping Earth and all colonies. It is up to a new crack team to investigate criminal activity onboard Federation starships.
Racial attacks and calls of hate are rife and Head of Starfleet Admiral Ross calls on his old friend - from the academy - Captain Montgomery Jamieson to resurrect his team, last together to deal with the Maquis mutiny.
Strap yourself in for a thrill ride as over the course of the first 5 episodes we discover the plights facing the Federation as it enters this bold new era.
A radical re-think of Star Trek by an avid group of fans, this new series will still be written and released weekly - starting early 2006 (yet to be confirmed).
You can get involved, email your ideas for the title of the show to editor@trekzone.org.
Starline Productions is Australia's only dedicated Sci-Fi production company.
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